viernes, 24 de febrero de 2012

I'm a 57 years old businessman, living in Barcelona. I own my own successful business and I'm happily married, with 4 daughters and a big family.

 Therefore, I can't complain about my lifestyle. More than that, I feel very happy with it.

The reason for spending some time in creating this blog is my social responsibility. Let me explain: I bought an Enigin Distributorship License back in 2009, I followed the training in January 2010 and after that, I found that Enigin's proposal is not realistic and makes a very high percentage of failure rate among its customers.

I know that nobody likes to talk about thier failures (and maybe this is one of the reasons for not finding much information in the web), but I think that I MUST inform to would-be buyers of Enigin's Distributorship's Licenses what they will very probably find afterwards.

Soon, I'll start explaining my personal experience.

I'm letting to get comments in this blog, as it's not a pamphlet at all, so I feel absolutely open to exchange opinions with anybody who wishes to do so. I just wish to avoid nice entrepreneur people throwing away their money and time into a business proposal that does not work in most cases. 

If I didn't had the experience and success that I've proven during my life as an antrepreneur, anybody (especially Enigin's directors) could say: well, the fact that you failed doesn't mean that our proposal is meaningless...but that's not the case. I've been (and still I am) for more than 30 years in business and I think that my opinions are valuable for anyone...And I won't make any money out of this, so I have no hidden interests.

Soon I will give everybody more detailed information.