sábado, 5 de diciembre de 2015

Enigin's lies

If you read the home web page of Enigin.net website, you can be surprised to see that a company, in theory devoted to offer a "business opportunity", is having to post a pamphlet defending their "honour".

I'll answer some of the lies that you can find at the end of their post (in Italic, their statements; in blue colur, my comments):

On the forum; ‘My experience with Enigin’ a Mr Jose Sanchez make a number of derogatory statements, which in several cases are inaccurate and misleading. We have written to Mr Sanchez on numerous occasions offering to correct the errors but he still chooses to publish inaccurate information, inevitably misleading people. 

You haven't proved that any of my statements (that can be found in my first post of this bog) is inaccurate nor misleading. You haven't "offered me to correct the errors". Instead, you asked me to publish an official statement of your company, which I refused to do as it's plenty of the  lies that you use to cheat entrepreneurs who wish ti start a new business. 

Mr Sanchez has been invited to cite an example anywhere within Enigin’s technical and marketing material, of a statement which is factually incorrect, and he has so far been unable to site one single instance

You haven't invited me to cite any example, however, my post of 10th March 2012 cites all of them.

Mr Sanchez claims his forum was created to satisfy his “social responsibility” and yet he apparently has no problem publishing information, which is misleading and untrue despite being enlightened by us, and some of our distributors to the contrary. He is also encouraging people to post information on the notorious website “rip-off report” which is known to be an extortionist website that has numerous class action law-suits against them.

The rip-off report offers plain people report companies that have ripped them. If it was "extorsionist", it would have been closed by the North American DOJ. By the way, here you can see that 'm not the only one considering Enigin activity as a rip-off.

Mr Sanchez was appointed as our distributor in 2009 and the company has changed dramatically since then, which he seems to have difficulty recognising.

Honestly, I can't give any well informed opinion about changes, if any, at Enigin's activity (now called "BEST"). I only have the information that some entrepreneurs often give me, telling me that the "modus operandi" of BEST is similar to the one at Enigin. But I can't confirm or deny these claims.

sábado, 24 de octubre de 2015


I keep receiving messages from persons who claim to be victims of Mr. Ian Wrigley (I received the last one earlier this week). ENIGIN has changed its name and is now being called "BEST Energy Saving". But the products they offer look exactly the same as they were offering under their Enigin brand name. 

When a company builds a popular brand name (and if you Google ENIGIN you'll see how many entries you get) you don't change your name...unless you need to hide any dark spot of your past...

Therefore, I suspect that Mr. Wrigey is just trying to keep his "business" running in spite of more and more unhappy "distributors" telling their bad experience around the world.

I remind my readers that this blog is absolutely altruistic and intended to help other people avoid wasting their time and money as I did with Mr. Wrigley's "business opportunity" called then Enigin and now BEST.

I'm a successful and honest Spanish businessman, I have no economic interests with or against Mr. Wrigley, I'm not in the energy efficiency business.

The photos that illlustrate this post were taken in July 2015, during my annual one week cruising (this year it was around Menorca-Balearic Islands) in my small sailing boat, with some of my family members. We had a great time toghether.

My best wishes to everyone!!

miércoles, 18 de febrero de 2015

One of the statements in www.enigin.net: Mr Sanchez claims his forum was created to satisfy his “social responsibility”…

Yes, my forum was created to satisfy my “social responsibility”, a concept that is probably out of your understanding. After I found out the deception of your business proposal, I initially asked you to return my money back but at some point, I decided that claiming my 20.000+ Pounds “investment” money back from your hands would be incompatible with alerting entrepreneurs against your practices, as you could eventually pledge that I was blackmailing you. Therefore, I decided to drop my money claim anymore and instead, try to warn other entrepreneurs against your proposed business model, which I consider a scam after having seen your inside operation. Probably, that decision (dropping any money claims against Mr.Ian Wrigley) is what better helps me achieve my goal, as people approaching me know that there’s no personal interest at all behind my informative posts: I don’t sell any competitor product, I don’t expect anymore to get my money back, I run a successful company (I’m wealthy enough to enjoy a nice lifestyle), I’m a happy person…but I’m pity for so many entrepreneurs (many from third world countries) that spend their money and time in trying to grow a new business and get caught in your claws.

Yes, Mr.Wrigley, I got your "modus operandi". My wish is that you don’t fool more people anymore.

domingo, 15 de febrero de 2015


It's amazing:I published a post about an hour ago. Now, I see that I got 30 pageviews in such a short time. I can't understand it, because I think that my blog may only be of interest to entrepreneurs considering to make business with Enigin (now "The Best Group"). Why do I get 30 pageviews within just one hour? Are Enigin's guys tracking my posts? Are they scared about their practices?

News from Enigin (now, the "Best Group")

Today, I have some new comments about Ian Wrigley's "business". Every few months, I take a look at my blog and Enigin's practices (not more often, as I'm quite busy running my business).

Last week, I found the URL http://www.enigin.net    with interesting information.

But before going ahead, I just summarize what my blog is all about:

-  I bought an Enigin Distributorship License back in 2009, I followed the training in January 2010 and then, I found that Enigin's proposal is not realistic and provokes a very high percentage of failure rate among its customers.

- Once I realized that it clearly looked as a clear case of ripoff, I asked them to return my money back. They obviously didn't do it and instead, they said that "I was the problem" for not being able to implement their business model.

- At some point, I concluded that the best I could do as a honest person, wouldn't be any more to try recovering my money back but trying instead to avoid other honest entrepeneurs to bury their money in this ripoff scheme. If I would still try to recover my money, Enigin's Directors would then have an excuse to say that I was "blackmailing" them. But thanks God, I have money enough to drop any money claims and concentrate in trying to avoid other honest entrepreneurs from being cheated.

Now I come back to the www.enigin.net post. I'll copy their claims (Home Page has been prepared and approved by the Board Of Directors” followed by my comments (I recommend you to first read their home page):

"Clearly explain the company’s radical change in focus and the reasons for it."

Why should Enigin do a "radical change" if their business model was fine? My opinion: They are scared about being sued by many "licensees" like myself and many others. Also, they are being hurt by so many complaints from former licensees

Explain why Enigin would appear to have more negative listings compared to the average company search, and why the world’s (Forbes surveyed) most respected companies have considerably more, indeed some have hundreds, of rip-off reports against their name. No comment.

Why did Enigin do a U-Turn on a profitable Biz-Op model? My comment: Why did they do a “U-Turn” if their business proposal was realistic and honest? In my opinion, they are trying to survive to the many claims they are getting from around the world.

While there has been some issues from a handful of people resulting from the former ‘Biz-Op’ model, notwithstanding this it should be noted we do have many, MANY, successful distributors and delighted customers both in the UK. As I already mentioned in previous posts, I offered them to stop my claims if they could prove to me that they had even just ONE successful licensee in Spain. NO WAY!

Next time, I'll comment on their other statements. They even mention my person and my comments! Should they be concerned about a humble Spanish businessman if their business proposal was honest?

Kind regards to all the persons that, thanks to this information, are dodging Enigin's "business proposal".