I often receive messages from my blog readers. I can classify them in two groups: those who are considering buying an Enigin "License" and those who already bought it.
All and every message coming from the second group (those who already bought an Enigin license) claim that their business never took off. In other words, they miserably lost their investment. I just transmit my pity to them, as I suffered the same failure by trying to start the Enigin business model.
I hope that I'm saving a failure to the other group -the ones that still didn't sign up with Enigin. They are mainly from non "first world" countries: Peru, Philipines, Africa...
As I have alreay mentioned, my only wish with my blog is to explain my experience with Enigin and thus avoid others losing miserably their time and money as I did. I'm not asking Enigin anymore for my money back, as I could be considered as an interested part when I express my opinions. I prefer to lose any opportunity to recover my money if I can help other entrepreneurs saving the odissey of what I consider the Enigin scam.
I write my posts in my scarce free time, as my own business takes most of my time. Fortunately, the Spanish economy is finally starting to level up: my company increased revenues 12% in 2013 to around 3,5 Million Euro and during January and February, we grew another 16%. I say this because Enigin's position when you'll fail with them is "you probably hadn't what it takes to build and grow a company". As I said in my first post, I'm a successful businessman and I refuse Enigin's position. The failure is basically due to the "wrong" (or misleading?) Enigin's business model offered in their "Business Appraisal", not the entrepreneurs ability.
My advice is: Stay away from Enigin, if you wish to keep your savings!
NB I'm now starting a new business project with a company in Cornwall, but I'm pretty sure that this time, my British partner is bringing a serious and honest business opportunity. I say this to confimrm my overall experience with British business partners is quite positive, opposed to the Enigin's case.