lunes, 11 de marzo de 2019

Dear friends: I'm amazed to see that some entrepreneurs still "invest" their money in this illusory business...

I must recongize that Mr. Wrigley has refined the way he creates the illusion of offering a real business opportunity through a sophisticated Internet ad scheme. But I'll tell you a very simple way to find out if Mr. Wrigley's "business opportunity" is something real or just an illusion where many entrepreneurs bury every year some thousands of Pounds. You'll also understand why a few years ago, Mr. Wrigley changed the original name of his company (Enigin) to BEST:

Google the phrase "BEST energy saving". If  the pretended business opportunity was for real, what results should you obtain from the Google search? Supposedly, you would get ads from companies offering BEST's solutions, especially the Eniscope. Some companies would perhaps be devoted to offer BEST's solutions, others would offer them as part of their portfolio,,,that would be the reasonable result of the Google search.

But what you'll get instead will be the following:

- Many results from the dozens of web sites and blogs created by Mr. Wrigley's team in order to decorate his "business opportunity".

- Many results that in fact cover pretended "best" (not "BEST'S) energy saving practices, devices or procedures. Best is a very popular word in the Internet world and BEST is the new name of Mr. Wrigley's company.

I have always offered Mr. Wrigley to change my mind about my accusation of misleading offer, business scam or whatever you wish to call his activity, if he could introduce me a few companies developing sucessfully his business opportunity in Spain.

Doesn't it sound reasonable?

The result is (you guess it) that he's never been willing/able to do so. In spite that this blog is open to anyone (including himself) to post any comment or information.

If you arrived to this blog as a person attracted by Mr. Wrigley's proposals, I hope that you still are on time to discover what lies behind his proposals and keep your money safe in your own pocket or in any real business opportunity. I wish you luck.

1 comentario:

  1. Hola José, asumo por tu nombre y el país que también hablas español.
    Precisamente llegué a tu Blog investigando "BEST" es una empresa seria o una estafa, pues vi varios anuncios en LinkedIn donde buscan Emprendedores en América Latina.

    Te sugiero publicar también en Español, pues el nivel de inglés de muchos emprendedores es solo medio y eso facilita que sean estafados.

    Exito y gracias por publicar.
    (reporté los anuncios que vi como "SCAM")
