lunes, 3 de febrero de 2020

Mi post de marzo de 2019, esta vez en español para los lectores latinos.

(This is my post of March 2019, translated to Spanish language for Spanish speaking readers)

Queridos amigos: Me sorprende ver que algunos empresarios todavía "invierten" su dinero en este negocio ilusorio ...

Debo reconocer que el Sr. Wrigley ha refinado la forma en que crea la ilusión de ofrecer una oportunidad comercial real a través de un sofisticado esquema de anuncios en Internet. Pero le diré una manera muy simple de descubrir si la "oportunidad de negocio" del Sr. Wrigley es algo real o simplemente una ilusión en la que muchos empresarios entierran cada año miles de libras. También comprenderá por qué hace unos años, el Sr. Wrigley cambió el nombre original de su compañía (Enigin) a BEST:

Google la frase "MEJOR ahorro de energía". Si la oportunidad comercial pretendida era real, ¿qué resultados debería obtener de la búsqueda de Google? Supuestamente, recibiría anuncios de compañías que ofrecen las soluciones de BEST, especialmente el Eniscope. Algunas empresas tal vez se dedicarían a ofrecer las soluciones BEST, otras las ofrecerían como parte de su cartera, ese sería el resultado razonable de la búsqueda en Google.

Pero lo que obtendrás en su lugar será lo siguiente:

- Muchos resultados de las docenas de sitios web y blogs creados por el equipo del Sr. Wrigley para decorar su "oportunidad de negocio".

- Muchos resultados que de hecho cubren las prácticas, dispositivos o procedimientos de ahorro de energía "mejores" (no "BEST"). Best es una palabra muy popular en el mundo de Internet y BEST es el nuevo nombre de la compañía del Sr. Wrigley.

Siempre le he ofrecido al Sr. Wrigley que cambie de opinión acerca de mi acusación de oferta engañosa, estafa comercial o lo que sea que desee llamar su actividad, si pudiera presentarme algunas empresas que desarrollen con éxito su oportunidad comercial en España.

¿No suena razonable?

El resultado es (lo adivinas) que nunca ha estado dispuesto / capaz de hacerlo. A pesar de que este blog está abierto a cualquier persona (incluido él mismo) para publicar cualquier comentario o información.

Si llegó a este blog como una persona atraída por las propuestas del Sr. Wrigley, espero que todavía esté a tiempo para descubrir qué hay detrás de sus propuestas y mantener su dinero seguro en su propio bolsillo o en cualquier oportunidad comercial real. Te deseo suerte.

Pescando escórporas en el Mediterráneo

lunes, 11 de marzo de 2019

Dear friends: I'm amazed to see that some entrepreneurs still "invest" their money in this illusory business...

I must recongize that Mr. Wrigley has refined the way he creates the illusion of offering a real business opportunity through a sophisticated Internet ad scheme. But I'll tell you a very simple way to find out if Mr. Wrigley's "business opportunity" is something real or just an illusion where many entrepreneurs bury every year some thousands of Pounds. You'll also understand why a few years ago, Mr. Wrigley changed the original name of his company (Enigin) to BEST:

Google the phrase "BEST energy saving". If  the pretended business opportunity was for real, what results should you obtain from the Google search? Supposedly, you would get ads from companies offering BEST's solutions, especially the Eniscope. Some companies would perhaps be devoted to offer BEST's solutions, others would offer them as part of their portfolio,,,that would be the reasonable result of the Google search.

But what you'll get instead will be the following:

- Many results from the dozens of web sites and blogs created by Mr. Wrigley's team in order to decorate his "business opportunity".

- Many results that in fact cover pretended "best" (not "BEST'S) energy saving practices, devices or procedures. Best is a very popular word in the Internet world and BEST is the new name of Mr. Wrigley's company.

I have always offered Mr. Wrigley to change my mind about my accusation of misleading offer, business scam or whatever you wish to call his activity, if he could introduce me a few companies developing sucessfully his business opportunity in Spain.

Doesn't it sound reasonable?

The result is (you guess it) that he's never been willing/able to do so. In spite that this blog is open to anyone (including himself) to post any comment or information.

If you arrived to this blog as a person attracted by Mr. Wrigley's proposals, I hope that you still are on time to discover what lies behind his proposals and keep your money safe in your own pocket or in any real business opportunity. I wish you luck.

domingo, 11 de febrero de 2018

When I created this blog, Mr. Ian Wrigley sent me a letter telling me that I was not allowing others to also give an opinion about his "business". That is simply false. Anyone can see that this blog is open to anyone's comments.

I invite anyone who wishes to publish a comment to do so...either negative or positive.

I only ask something to anyone posting comments positive towards Enigin and/or Best: please provide links on the internet of companies successfully developing Enigin's and or Best's business model (*). If someone could prove that this business model works fine (which no one will be able to prove, as it simply doesn't work except for Mr. Wrigley's pocket), then I would admit that I was in error (which I'm not!).

I encourage readers who have had an experience with Mr. Wrigleys business proposals to let his/her comment!

(*) Do the following test: Google "Eniscope". You'll get dozens of entries of web sites, blogs and news containing theword Eniscope published by Mr. Wrigley's online marketing team. But you won't find entries from companies successfully selling Eniscopes. You may only find very few entries from companies who are still trying to sell these products, which they will remove after a couple of years of unsuccessful promotion, as it happend to me and other Spanish entrepreneurs who invested in Mr. Wrigley's proposals.

lunes, 24 de julio de 2017

Is Enigin, Eniscope, BEST (British Energy Saving Technology) a real business or a sophisticated scam?

I'll give a very simple tip to anyone considering to invest in an energy saving business: just type "BEST British Energy Saving Technology" in the Google searchbar. If the business proposal offered by BEST was a viable, solid one, you would find some of their partners' website links very easily...right?

Do the test. What's the result? Oh! You find dozens of results containing the typed search terms, but no even one real partner...How come? Are there really BEST partners doing business out there?

I propose you to do the test and take you own conclusions.

I wish you a very happy summer holidays with your family, keeping your money safely out of certain predator's hands (I did the mistake of "investing" some of my money in Mr. Ian Wrigley's business proposal back in 2012. Since then, I do my best to help other entrepreneurs avoiding committing the same mistake and losing their hard work earned money).

La imagen puede contener: 8 personas, personas sonriendo, personas de pie, cielo, océano, lentes de sol, nube, exterior, agua y naturaleza

Above photo: with my wife, daughters and two of my sons in law, last year in Key West, USA

domingo, 19 de febrero de 2017

Now Suresense Technologies

I suspect that Ian Wrigley is taking a new step in his path to expand the same "business" previously held by Eniging and previously by BEST (however probably BEST still exists). The new company is called Suresense Technologies (

If you look at the address of this new company, t's also based in St. Austell, but not in the same Victoria Business Park where BEST is based. Why two companies doing apparently the same activity are based in two diverse locations of the same city?

If you look at Suresense's web page, it looks like a clon of BEST's Internet site. 

I don't know the reason for this move. But it's quite strange that someone is doing a business with a company and then he starts a new company doing the same activity. Time will tell, butI can't foresee nothing good for good faith entrepreneurs willing to set up a business in the erengy efficiency industry.

             Me, practicing with my sextant.

sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2016

BEST-British Energy Saving Technology

There's a long time since I published my last post. Today, I just wixh to mention that other people are also saying that BEST is just another name for the same scam. Anyone interested in learning what kind of people are hidden behing the name BEST can just click here.

Above, a recent photo of my wife and myself in a recent trip to Venice. Fortunately, my business (another one with nothing to do with Enigin nor BEST) keeps growing and we enjoy life as many other honest people, without needing to cheat anyone. Other than that, I try to help people avoiding to make the same mistake that I did by trusting in ENIGN's (now called BEST) "business opportunity", as they call it.

I keep receiving email messages from persons who are considering to accept BEST's proposal and from persons who already accepted the proposal...and got burnt with it. I hope that my bad experience with ENIGIN (now called BEST) helps others from losing their well earned money.

My advise is: keep off Mr. Ian Wrigley and his "proposals"...too many people -like myself- have already lost our money in his hands.

sábado, 5 de diciembre de 2015

Enigin's lies

If you read the home web page of website, you can be surprised to see that a company, in theory devoted to offer a "business opportunity", is having to post a pamphlet defending their "honour".

I'll answer some of the lies that you can find at the end of their post (in Italic, their statements; in blue colur, my comments):

On the forum; ‘My experience with Enigin’ a Mr Jose Sanchez make a number of derogatory statements, which in several cases are inaccurate and misleading. We have written to Mr Sanchez on numerous occasions offering to correct the errors but he still chooses to publish inaccurate information, inevitably misleading people. 

You haven't proved that any of my statements (that can be found in my first post of this bog) is inaccurate nor misleading. You haven't "offered me to correct the errors". Instead, you asked me to publish an official statement of your company, which I refused to do as it's plenty of the  lies that you use to cheat entrepreneurs who wish ti start a new business. 

Mr Sanchez has been invited to cite an example anywhere within Enigin’s technical and marketing material, of a statement which is factually incorrect, and he has so far been unable to site one single instance

You haven't invited me to cite any example, however, my post of 10th March 2012 cites all of them.

Mr Sanchez claims his forum was created to satisfy his “social responsibility” and yet he apparently has no problem publishing information, which is misleading and untrue despite being enlightened by us, and some of our distributors to the contrary. He is also encouraging people to post information on the notorious website “rip-off report” which is known to be an extortionist website that has numerous class action law-suits against them.

The rip-off report offers plain people report companies that have ripped them. If it was "extorsionist", it would have been closed by the North American DOJ. By the way, here you can see that 'm not the only one considering Enigin activity as a rip-off.

Mr Sanchez was appointed as our distributor in 2009 and the company has changed dramatically since then, which he seems to have difficulty recognising.

Honestly, I can't give any well informed opinion about changes, if any, at Enigin's activity (now called "BEST"). I only have the information that some entrepreneurs often give me, telling me that the "modus operandi" of BEST is similar to the one at Enigin. But I can't confirm or deny these claims.